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Vascular Lesions – Laser Lesion Treatment Little Rock

At Lasercare Skin Clinic, we can remedy numerous skin issues with the aid of laser technology. Our Vascular Lesion Laser Treatment is used to treat visible vascular lesions, which are skin tissue abnormalities relating to the blood vessels.

Vascular lesions can appear in many forms. Port wine stains, which come about as a result of capillary malformations, are purple-red areas of the skin. Broken capillaries show up as red spots. Rosacea is a skin condition that manifests in redness and bumps. Angiomas are blood-vessel growths that typically appear as red moles. Prominent facial veins are also a vascular issue.

Dr. M. Bruce Sanderson is a laser care professional with a great deal of technical skill. To receive laser treatment for your visible vascular lesions, contact our office and arrange a consultation.

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