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Want to Get Rid of Fat Without Surgery? Here's How

Want to Get Rid of Fat Without Surgery? Here's How

Unwanted body fat can be hard to remove. If you’ve done the work with diet changes and exercise and aren’t interested in surgical fat removal procedures, you should know about nonsurgical fat removal with SculpSure. 
Jul 9th, 2024
How to Care for Your Skin After Microneedling

How to Care for Your Skin After Microneedling

Microneedling makes your skin look like new, but that doesn't let you off the hook for taking care of it. If you want your microneedling results to last, here’s how to handle your skin post-treatment.
Jun 18th, 2024

I'm in My 20s — Why Do I Already Have Wrinkles?

Even if you’re only in your 20s, facial wrinkles can show early signs of aging. Here’s what you need to know about the causes of and treatments for premature wrinkles and skin changes.
May 13th, 2024
Why Is My Skin So Loose?

Why Is My Skin So Loose?

Lots of factors can lead to loose skin. You also have effective treatment methods that you can rely on to restore lost tightness and volume. Read to learn more.
Mar 7th, 2024
5 Ways to Prevent Another Acne Flare-up

5 Ways to Prevent Another Acne Flare-up

Does your acne keep flaring up again and again, troubling you with embarrassing whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples? Here are five ways to stave off your next acne breakout and keep your skin looking and feeling great.
Feb 2nd, 2024

3 Popular Skin Benefits of LED Light Therapy

Skin flaws prevent you from presenting a polished, youthful appearance. Fortunately, you can address many skin flaws noninvasively with LED therapy. Read on to learn more about the benefits of this treatment.
Dec 1st, 2023
SculpSure vs. Venus Legacy™: Which is Right for Me?

SculpSure vs. Venus Legacy™: Which is Right for Me?

If you want great body sculpting results but don’t want surgery, you still have several options. Should you choose SculpSure fat removal or Venus Legacy™ body contouring treatment? Read to learn more about your options.
Nov 2nd, 2023
What You Should Know About Acne After 30

What You Should Know About Acne After 30

Pimples are a problem for teens, right? Not necessarily. If you’re 30+ and still dealing with acne, you’re not alone, but the good news is that you have several effective treatment options. Keep reading to learn more.
Aug 1st, 2023
Diamond Microdermabrasion: Benefits and What to Expect

Diamond Microdermabrasion: Benefits and What to Expect

What’s the story with diamond microdermabrasion? Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of this skin-smoothing therapy and what to expect during and after your diamond microdermabrasion treatment. 
Jul 2nd, 2023
Has Smoking Given You Wrinkles? Botox® Can Help

Has Smoking Given You Wrinkles? Botox® Can Help

Smoking cigarettes results in skin deterioration and more pronounced facial wrinkles as you age. Can you reverse the cosmetic impacts of smoking? Botox® injections can. Read to learn more.
Jun 2nd, 2023
Rejuvenate Your Collagen with Microneedling

Rejuvenate Your Collagen with Microneedling

Could your skin benefit from collagen rejuvenation? Here’s how microneedling can kickstart new collagen production, smoothing and evening out your skin for a refreshed, more youthful look.
Mar 2nd, 2023
How Light and Oxygen Work Together to Treat Your Skin

How Light and Oxygen Work Together to Treat Your Skin

Instead of using harsh chemicals or surgical procedures to improve your skin, why not treat puffiness, mild acne, visible signs of aging, and more with noninvasive light and oxygen therapy? Here’s how it works.
Feb 2nd, 2023
Does It Hurt to Get Botox® Injections?

Does It Hurt to Get Botox® Injections?

You’re interested in Botox® for anti-aging results or other reasons, but you’re concerned about potential pain and discomfort. Does getting Botox hurt? Read on for facts you need to make an informed choice that will keep you comfortable.
Oct 4th, 2022
Does Tattoo Removal Leave a Scar Behind?

Does Tattoo Removal Leave a Scar Behind?

Do you want a do-over on an unwanted tattoo? Laser tattoo removal can clear your skin. Keep reading to learn more about how laser tattoo removal works and why you won’t need to worry about scarring with today’s procedures and techniques.
Aug 9th, 2022
My Acne Embarrasses Me: Can You Help?

My Acne Embarrasses Me: Can You Help?

Are you ready to be done with your acne stress? If embarrassing acne has you down, find out about real solutions for persistent and severe acne, including laser therapy treatments.
Jul 12th, 2022
Is Laser Skin Tightening Safe?

Is Laser Skin Tightening Safe?

Do you have questions or concerns about laser skin tightening treatment? Here’s what you need to know about the benefits, risks, and effectiveness of this cosmetic anti-aging skin procedure.
Jun 1st, 2022
How Light Therapy Rejuvenates Your Aging Skin

How Light Therapy Rejuvenates Your Aging Skin

As you age, your skin shows changes that give away your years. You don’t have to live with the effects of aging on your skin. Read to learn more about light therapy for aging skin.
Apr 1st, 2022
Eradicate the Wrinkles on Your Chest with Ultherapy®

Eradicate the Wrinkles on Your Chest with Ultherapy®

Unsightly wrinkles on your face and chest can influence your fashion decisions and self-esteem. Read to learn more about non-invasive Ultherapy®, an FDA-approved treatment to lift skin on your neck, chin, and brow.
Mar 21st, 2022
How Often Do I Have to Get Botox®?

How Often Do I Have to Get Botox®?

If you love your skin-smoothing, anti-wrinkle results with Botox®, there’s good news — with repeat treatments, you can maintain flawless results over the long term. Here’s what you need to know about when and how to refresh your Botox.
Jan 1st, 2022
The Role of Collagen in Your Skin

The Role of Collagen in Your Skin

Do you know how the protein collagen affects the appearance and elasticity of your skin? Read on to learn more about collagen and to find out about your options for collagen-stimulating treatments and procedures.
Dec 1st, 2021
Help! I Regret My Tattoo

Help! I Regret My Tattoo

Many people opted for tattoos in the past that they now regret. If that predicament sounds familiar to you, you may be able to benefit from professional laser tattoo removal services. Read on to learn if tattoo removal could be right for you.
Nov 1st, 2021
Fillers vs. Botox®: Which Works Better for Wrinkles?

Fillers vs. Botox®: Which Works Better for Wrinkles?

You want your skin to look its best, despite the effects of age. If you want to target and erase fine lines and wrinkles, what’s the best treatment option for you, fillers or Botox® injections? Read on to learn about your cosmetic anti-aging options.
Oct 1st, 2021
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

You love your results with laser hair removal treatment. So, can you expect your hair removal to be permanent? Read on to learn more about this long-lasting body hair removal treatment option.
Sep 1st, 2021
5 Reasons to Consider Body Contouring

5 Reasons to Consider Body Contouring

Learn more about all of the potential benefits of noninvasive body contouring. How many ways could body contouring help you with your aesthetic goals?
Aug 2nd, 2021

When to Consider Laser Therapy for Acne Scars

Do you have scars, indentations, or pock marks left over from acne outbreaks in the past? You can clear your skin for a fresh start with laser therapy treatment. Read on to find out if you could be a candidate.
Jun 9th, 2021

How Many Microneedling Treatments Will I Need?

If you’re interested in using microneedling to improve your skin, you might have questions about how frequently you can, and should, use this cosmetic therapy option. Keep reading to learn more about repeat microneedling treatments and skin care.
May 3rd, 2021

Popular Injectable Treatments for Fine Lines

If you’re feeling frustrated with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles making you look aged, you should know about cosmetic injectable anti-aging treatments like Botox®. Keep reading to learn more about cosmetic injectables.
Mar 9th, 2021

Body Contouring: Popular Areas for SculpSure

Are you frustrated with stubborn fat pockets around your body that you just can’t seem to get rid of, no matter what? You should know about body contouring with noninvasive SculpSure.
Jan 21st, 2021

Can Lasers Erase Acne Scars?

Are you self-conscious about scarring left over from past acne outbreaks on your skin? With Laser treatment, you can effectively erase your acne scars. Learn more about the potential of laser skin treatment.
Dec 1st, 2020

How to Get Rid of Sun Spots for Good

The effects of the sun on your skin can linger after your summer suntan fades, leaving behind unsightly sun spots that can age your appearance. You can get rid of your sun spots for good with cosmetic laser procedures. Read to learn more.
Nov 1st, 2020

Clear Away Summer Damage With Microneedling

Has your sun damage gotten worse over the summer? If you're ready to clear away sun damage, you should know about microneedling treatments. You can rejuvenate your face and wipe away this season's sun damage.
Sep 21st, 2020

Firm Up Your Face This Summer With VENUS FREEZE™

For a more youthful appearance this summer, why not try a Venus Freeze™ face firming treatment? The procedure is so comfortable, you might fall asleep during your appointment! And, your long-lasting, anti-aging results can transform your appearance.
Jul 15th, 2020

What is Diamond Microdermabrasion? Am I a Candidate?

To completely resurface your skin, why not insist on the diamond standard? Keep reading to learn more about the potential of diamond microdermabrasion to transform your skin, and if you could be a candidate for this procedure.
Jun 18th, 2020

5 Natural Products That May Calm Your Acne

If you have clogged pores or oily skin, you may have unsightly acne, including blackheads and whiteheads. Here are some natural products that you can use to treat your acne and heal skin blemishes at home.
May 20th, 2020

Here's How the Summer Sun Triggers Freckles to Appear

Depending on your skin genetics, you might have freckles that appear on your skin when you've been out in the sun. Learn how sunlight triggers freckles, what you can do to minimize them, and when they can be a cause for concern.
Apr 24th, 2020

Incorporating Botox Into Your Beauty Routine

Your beauty routine is personal and unique, just like you. But is it ready for a boost? Botox isn’t just for the rich and famous. You can integrate this anti-aging injection into your beauty routine with ease.
Sep 1st, 2019

Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks: Lasers Can Treat Them All

Do you feel self-conscious about marks on your skin? You don’t have to be. Laser treatment can eliminate or reduce unsightly spots, scars, or stretch marks. Learn more about how lasers work and how they may help you eliminate imperfections.
Jul 22nd, 2019

How SculpSure Works to Give You the Body You Desire

Have you hit the wall with your diet and exercise routine? Do you feel like you can’t lose that muffin top or those jiggly thighs, no matter how hard you try? It’s time to stop the struggle and get the body you want with SculpSure®.
Mar 1st, 2019

What Conditions Does Microneedling Treat?

Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your skin? You may want to learn about the benefits of microneedling, a relatively new treatment that could revolutionize your skin.
Feb 14th, 2019
SculpSure®, LaserCare Skin Clinic, Bruce Sanderson, MD

Regain Body Confidence with SculpSure®

Do you sigh when you look in the mirror because you’ve worked hard in the gym and still have pockets of fat? SculpSure®, a leading body contouring system, may be the answer you’ve been looking for to help you reduce those bulges.
Dec 11th, 2018

What You May Not Know About Light Therapy Treatment

With exposure to the elements and the passage of time, our skin can fall victim to spots, wrinkles, and more. Read on to learn about light therapy, a safe and pain-free treatment that can help you look your best.
Nov 16th, 2018

Get Younger Looking Skin Without Surgery

You want to look as young as you feel, but your skin isn’t helping. Laser treatments can help. Nonsurgical and noninvasive, laser treatments can make your skin look younger and healthier without any downtime.
Aug 20th, 2018

Does Treating Acne With Lasers Actually Work?

The redness, bumps, and pits of acne can undermine your confidence, particularly when nothing you try seems to break the acne cycle. Cosmetic lasers may be your new ally in the fight against blemishes, pimples, and facial discoloration.
Jul 31st, 2018

Sick Of Stubborn Belly Fat? SculpSure Can Help

No one ever warns you that diet and exercise may not be enough to eradicate stubborn belly fat. But there is a solution. Noninvasive treatment with SculpSure® permanently eliminates your problem spots, and through Labor Day we’re offering a 50% off promoti
Jun 6th, 2018

How To Minimize Wrinkles in 60 Minutes

When it comes to fighting wrinkles, which took years to develop, it’s hard to believe that something can be done in under an hour to reverse them. Yet, it’s true, and there’s more than one option to choose from.
May 18th, 2018

5 Great Reasons to Consider SculpSure

Excess fat can linger, even when you eat well and exercise regularly. SculpSureⓇ is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that targets those trouble areas — with a few quick sessions, your fat cells are eliminated, never to return.
Apr 24th, 2018

Seven Things You Might Not Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

When it comes to cosmetic and aesthetic decisions, most are, thankfully, easily reversible. Not so with tattoos -- until now. If you’re unfamiliar with the laser tattoo removal process, here are seven quick pieces of information to get you started.
Mar 23rd, 2018

Tips for Keeping Your Skin Glowing Through Winter

Winter’s cold temperatures and dry air can wreak havoc on your skin. But we have you covered. If you’re seeking additional benefits that you can’t seem to achieve from proper cleansing and moisturizing techniques, consider one of our treatments.
Jan 30th, 2018

Why It's So Difficult to Lose Those Extra Pounds

Almost everyone has tried to lose a little extra weight at some point, so many of us know that it can be extremely challenging. We discuss what makes losing those extra pounds so tough and some common mistakes people make.
Dec 4th, 2017

Excess Fat vs Weight: The SculpSure Solution

Most of us struggle with our weight, whether it’s a lifelong problem or one we encounter as we get older. Separating weight and fat will help inform how to face this challenge.
Sep 18th, 2017

How Laser Treatments Make Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Possible

SculpSure is a non-invasive laser treatment that can help you get rid of unwanted fat without having to deal with the complications of a procedure like liposuction. Here’s what you need to know about these problem areas and how SculpSure can help.
Jul 18th, 2017

Laser Skin Tightening – Skin Genesis Little Rock

Interested in helping your skin get back to its tight, firm self? If you would like to reduce the size of your pores, lose fine lines, and make your skin appear tighter and younger, try laser skin tightening!
May 26th, 2017

Jaw Reduction – Botox Little Rock

Many people’s lower jaws are wider than normal. This may be genetic, or it could be a result of tooth grinding and excess clenching.
May 26th, 2017

Restylane Injections – Dermal Fillers Little Rock

In the movies, on billboards, and in magazines, you’ll frequently see beautiful, kissable lips. “Bee-stung” lips are a dream for many women, and with simple, convenient Restylane injections, you can make that dream come true.
May 26th, 2017

Radiesse – Little Rock Injectable Fillers

When the appearance of your skin is making you feel older, it’s time for a change. Facial rejuvenation is in order. Radiesse is a powerful, highly effective wrinkle solution.
May 26th, 2017

Vascular Lesions – Laser Lesion Treatment Little Rock

At Lasercare Skin Clinic, we can remedy numerous skin issues with the aid of laser technology. Our Vascular Lesion Laser Treatment is used to treat visible vascular lesions, which are skin tissue abnormalities relating to the blood vessels.
May 26th, 2017

Microdermabrasion – Diamond Skin Abrasion Little Rock

After many years of exposure to the elements and other factors, skin begins to show signs of wear and tear. Dull skin can become smooth, soft, beautiful, and youthful once more with the help of microdermabrasion.
May 26th, 2017

Pigmented Lesions – Laser Procedures Little Rock

Our effective Pigmented Lesions Laser Treatment will remove a variety of lesions from numerous regions of your body. If you have experienced the formation of pigmented skin lesions due to aging or heavy sun exposure, this may be the procedure you’ve been l
May 26th, 2017